My approach

Organizing and hosting a successful event takes effort.

  • From you as an organizer to make sure the event exists and is relevant to your audience.
  • From your community to spend their precious time with you
  • From your host to ensure the hosting effectively contributes to the success you envision

Preparation therefore is key.

Let’s have a look at what to expect when we decide to join forces:


Nice to meet you!

You are looking for a skilled Moderator who can help bring your event or project to life in a Captivating and Professional manner.

☕ Let’s start with a digital cup of tea or coffee to get to know each other and explore the possibilities to join forces.

Outcome: Tangible insights for you to take home and input for me to compose a tailor-made proposal for a fruitful collaboration.

Let's get in touch right here.


Proposal and Acceptance

Proposals are tailor made and composed with care to translate your vision and goals into tangible results.

Depending on your request, this proposal includes options for

  • Hosting and Moderating panels, including preparations
  • Co-creating your event's storyline, including binding text
  • Engaging audience interaction and wrap-ups
  • Sparring on your event format

Outcome: a clear overview of the goals for your event, how our collaboration will lead to achieving them and a solid base to start off our collaboration.


Event Strategy & Story

One (online) sparring session evolving around the questions:

How do you envision participants returning home? What has changed? What needs to happen for your event to be a success?


  • Tangible event formats and input on how to effectively achieve your event goals
  • Proposals to enhance audience interaction leading to engagement and solid connections
  • A crystal clear storyline weaving all programme elements together
  • Proposed questions for panel discussions

Tailored to an online or offline event setting.


Final Design and Run Through

Your event playbook has been prepared by you or your team. Together with the speakers and other critical people involved I join for a deep dive into the details. Online or during an onsite dry-run.

My focus goes to

  • the essence of what each speaker wants to bring across
  • the core message we want the audience to take home,
  • the atmosphere we want to create together
  • how all of this ties back to the programme

Outcome: a confident team of organizer, speakers, host and other critical people involved


Event Hosting

✨ Show time! Your event comes to life!

Count on me to install a warm and welcoming atmosphere where deep expertise and spontaneity go hand in hand.

The story unfolds along the agreed storyline, integrating unforeseen magic swiftly along the way.

Witness your mission and dream being translated into the action you envisioned, involving the people you believe in!

Outcome: an impactful event where the audience feels inspired, supported and empowered.



Learning is an essential part of a sustainable evolution. Zoom in on success factors and pitfalls to learn to approach similar challenges in a different way next time.

Via an online survey we share mutual feedback and takeaways for all parties to grow.

Outcome: concrete focal points for your and my next event

Magali is a perfect fit, combining on-topic expertise with professional knowhow, compelling storytelling and a good dose of empathetic spontaneity.

Steven Cosyn, Communication & PR Manager LeuvenMindgate