Nice To Meet You!

With a career in Clinical Engineering, Certifications in Systemic Coaching and over 17 years of international stage experience as an Actor, Performer and Professional singer I combine a richness of worlds.

On stage I bridge the gap between complex topics and engaged audience members. Connecting dots and people.

Technology, Innovation and Sustainability related topics get me truly enthusiastic.

My heart goes out to any initiative that aims at helping people understand our current global challenges and at providing concrete tools and insights for individuals to spark enthusiasm and contribute to the societal shift.

Events are the modern-day campfires of yesteryear, bringing like minded people together to share stories they can jointly believe in.

Magali Minet

My Mission

I strongly believe everyone can make a big difference in moving society forward. With today’s global challenges in mind, we need everyone involved, and to do that, Compelling Storytelling is a powerful tool.

Stories are what make people tick. They help us understand our own role in it all, enhance connections and strengthen relationships based on what binds us rather than divides us.

Events are the modern-day campfires of yesteryear, bringing like minded people together to share stories they can jointly believe in.

I therefore believe events have the potential to be true catalysts for change.

It is my mission to help you achieve just that.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

Magali, that is

An empathetic human being with a soft spot for making the impossible possible

A creative daredevil in both Improvisational Theatre and Spoken Word Poetry

An engineering professional with multiple certifications in Systemic Coaching

A stakeholder engagement consultant in various complex transition processes